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 Nature Based Solutions Working Group

With a focus on wetlands and climate change

Global warming poses enormous challenges that vastly exceed our ability to adapt using purely technical solutions. Fortunately, nature offers Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for dealing with climate change. Wetlands provide these Natural Climate Buffers (NCB) for free and on a huge scale. The Protection and restoration of these areas are best achieved by sharing knowledge and practical experience to convince a challenging range of stakeholders and vested interests.


NATURE BASED SOLUTIONS (formerly Wetlands and Climate Change) WORKING GROUP’S SCOPE

Established in 2014, the Wetlands and Climate Change Working Group (WCC WG) aims to improve the resilience of the Natura 2000 network and other European natural areas to climate change. It contributes to developing robust, connected and resilient wetlands by preventing the loss of habitats, species, and ecosystem services.

The Wetlands and Climate Change Working Group gathers and exchanges knowledge and experience on mitigating climate change related to wetlands. The group has been focusing on Nature-Based Solutions, particularly Natural Climate Buffers, a Dutch concept combining benefits for biodiversity and climate adaptation by providing space for nature and restoring modified ecosystems.

Over the past years, the group produced several factsheets of good practices of Natural Climate Buffers as Nature-Based Solutions in France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Belgium. The group also organised well-attended Natural Climate Buffer study tours in the Netherlands (2018), Scotland (2019), and Ireland (2021). The following study tour is expected to take place in 2023.

The WCC working group is chaired by Rob van Schijndel, who works for Natuurmonumenten as Manager South-Central-West of the Netherlands. Don’t hesitate to contact Jennifer Alexander if you wish to join this working group.

Please find below our factsheets which illustrate how wetlands can serve as Natural Climate Buffers. More information about the concept can be found in the ‘Defining Natural Climate Buffers’ factsheet.



The Working Group published the first special edition of the Eurosite eNewsletter, “Managing wetlands as a nature-based solution to climate change,” in January 2017, the second edition in January 2019, and a third in November 2021.

2018 – Eurosite Natural Climate Buffers Study Tour / Netherlands (a collaboration of Eurosite and WCC member Natuurmonumenten on behalf of the Dutch Coalition for Natural Climate Buffers) (Report)

2019 – Eurosite Natural Climate Buffers Study Tour / Scotland (a collaboration of Eurosite and WCC member Scottish Natural Heritage in collaboration with PeatlandACTION)

2021 – Eurosite Natural Climate Buffers Study Tour / Ireland (a collaboration of Eurosite and WCC member Community Wetlands Forum) (Report)

Please find below our factsheets which illustrate how wetlands can serve as Natural Climate Buffers. More information about the concept can be found in the ‘Defining Natural Climate Buffers’ factsheet.


There are no upcoming events at this time


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