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The Erasmus+ project Nature Benefits: from Theory to Practice TUNE IT aims to develop a course and train site managers and local (regional) authorities responsible for managing natural areas. The training will enable them to utilise existing knowledge and tools for the benefit of nature and transfer them into their daily work.

The TUNE IT project’s scope

Duration 2023-2025

Nature Benefits, often called ecosystem services, encompass all direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to human well-being. Nature is more than just protected species and habitats; it provides numerous ecosystem services. While some of them we actively use daily (e.g. food and drinking water), others often go unnoticed – such as carbon capture, water storage, flood protection, air purification, climate regulation, pollination, soil and nutrient formation.

To raise awareness about the nature benefits, the project work will focus on collecting and processing existing scientific and technical knowledge, best practices and tools from a wide variety of sources, including academia and research institutes, non-governmental organisations and the private sector, and translating them into a practical course that will empower the course participants to accomplish their daily tasks better.

We will develop a training course in five languages – English, Dutch, Croatian, Turkish and Ukrainian. It will consist of three training modules and associated assignments, each module about a week long. The course will last approximately one year and cover the following content:

  • Module 1: Learning the Basics
  • Module 2: Putting it into Practice
    • in communication with various stakeholders;
    • while choosing alternative solutions or planning restoration projects;
    • for finding alternative sources of financing; and
    • for planning the management of their site.
  • Module 3: Planning for Future Action

For more information about the course, please click here.


Expected results of the project

  • Developed and implemented an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral training course on nature benefits.
  • Created online Webinars presenting the content of all three modules and enabling online access to the training course.
  • Online course handbook containing the course materials of all three modules.
  • Experience movies of participants explaining their experience with nature benefits.
  • Practitioners brief, i.e. a short brochure outlining the outcome of the project.
  • Established a network of practitioners supporting each other with information, new techniques and up-to-date research.
  • A skilled group of trainers that can provide training in different languages.

In addition, by implementing the project:

  • The participants’ and online visitors’ knowledge of the benefits of nature will be expanded.
  • Incorporation of socio-economic and development elements in natural site management will be encouraged.
  • Awareness of potential outcomes beyond conservation and restoration of the natural areas will be raised.
  • Communication of the nature benefits to the general public will be improved, as well as the management of protected areas.

Implementing partners

The project will be implemented by a consortium consisting of 10 organisations from 5 European countries, including two international networks:


Funding: The project ‘Nature Benefits: from Theory to Practice (TUNE IT)’ is funded by the European Union. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Commission, nor is the European Commission responsible for any use that might be made of information appearing herein.


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