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LIFE Multi Peat Project

The LIFE Multi Peat Project restores and manages peatlands in Poland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Ireland. Find here also the project page from NABU. Read the whole project brochure here. 

The LIFE Multi Peat project’s scope

Healthy peatlands matter!

Peatlands are the largest natural terrestrial carbon store worldwide. However, damaged peatlands are a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. On a global scale, the EU is the second largest emitter of GHG from drained peatlands. Optimising the hydrological system of degraded peatlands to reduce GHG emissions and recovering optimal conditions to restart sequestering functions of the peatlands is how the project ‘LIFE Multi Peat’ plans to transfer an unfavourable situation into a favourable one.

But what does the acronym ‘Multi Peat’ stand for?

Multi-stakeholder Landscape and Technical Innovation leading to Peatland Ecosystem Restoration: This is the full name of the five-year LIFE project that aims to contribute to the goals of EU climate change mitigation policy through the restoration of peatlands in Poland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Ireland.

The specific Multi Peat objectives are threefold:

The large-scale practical restoration of degraded peatlands leading to the cessation of significant GHG emissions in the project sites. This restoration will subsequently lead to the restoration of the carbon sink functions of these sites, as well as the improvement of knowledge on techniques and tools for measuring GHG emissions.

The development of a knowledge base and replicable techniques for halting further significant emissions from different classes of degraded peatlands and ultimately restoring their potential as carbon sinks.

The development of effective policy tools, such as a peatland policy toolkit that includes an EU-wide policy catalogue, data portal, and a policy development tool that brings together relevant information for policy makers, conservationists, other experts, and the general public in one place.

Project details

Project title 
LIFE Multi Peat

Poland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland

2021 to 2026

NABU, Natuurpunt, National University of Ireland, Natuurmonumenten, Eurosite – the European Land Conservation Network, Klub Przyrodników, Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków (OTOP)

Sponsored by / supported by 
LIFE Climate Change Mitigation Programme

With this project we are contributing to the following SDGs
Directly: SDG 12, SDG 13 and SDG 15
Indirectly: SDG 3, SDG 6 and SDG 17


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