OIKON Ltd. – Institute of Applied Ecology
OIKON Ltd – Institute of Applied Ecology is a leading licenced and accredited consulting company and research institute in the field of applied ecology in Croatia and the region, founded in 1997. The company’s core business is the provision of services in support of sustainable development, primarily in the areas of nature conservation, environmental protection and natural resource management. It successfully combines scientific research and consultancy to the benefit of environment, nature, public and its clients.
Oikon is a major provider of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Environmental Management Plans (EMP) and Appropriate Assessments (AA) in relation to the Natura 2000 ecological network in Croatia, for all types of developments in both terrestrial and marine environments, and it also specialises in thematic mapping and inventories.
Oikon experts measure, observe and collect new inventory data for fauna and habitats (birds, large and small mammals, amphibians and reptiles, fungi, marine and terrestrial habitats, etc.) using wide scopes of fieldwork and laboratory research techniques (photo-traps, ultrasound detectors, GPS collars/chips for telemetry of animals, as well as, various other biological surveys depending on the target taxonomic group) and remote sensing techniques (satellite/aerial, sensors and loggers), most of it analysed and presented through specialised spatial and numerical analysis tools and methods.
The company has a lot of experience in habitat mapping projects in which it was practically a standard setting authority beyond national borders, as it provided all activities and expertise needed for this complex activity. Apart from implementing a large-scale habitat mapping of the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia (entire territory terrestrial and maritime) and fine scale mapping of practically all of Croatian protected areas (national and nature parks).
Oikon is open to exchange experience on practical nature management with all Eurosite members to ultimately benefit Europe’s nature.
Dalibor Hatić
Web: www.oikon.hr