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Natuurpunt Beheer vzw is the largest nature organisation of Flanders. Natuurpunt is a voluntary organisation. The volunteers have a steering role.

Natuurpunt Beheer vzw has several main goals:

  • Conservation of nature by means of acquiring land (property or rental) with high actual or latent natural values and managing nature reserves. At this moment, the organisation manages more than 22.800 ha spread over 500 nature reserves. Approximately 75% or the land managed by Natuurpunt Beheer vzw is part of the Natura 2000 network.
  • Protecting, managing and restoration of important natural habitats, specifically species and habitats that are part of the Birds and/or Habitats Directives. The organisation has a broad expertise in writing management plans. Most of the fieldwork is done by volunteers of local branches (focus on creating a social support and involvement), and is supported by over 450 professionals, including also a social economy company.
  • Basically all nature reserves are made accessible to visitors as far as their presence does not harm the actual or intended habitats or species of the reserve. The tag line of Natuurpunt is “Nature for everyone”. Therefore walking paths are constructed and infrastructure for visitors is built.

Natuurpunt Beheer vzw is a specific part of Natuurpunt vzw, “Vereniging voor natuur en landschap in Vlaanderen”. Natuurpunt vzw has over 100,000 members (families) in Flanders. Thousands of local volunteers are active in over 170 local branches and study groups, managing and expanding the nature reserves.


Lander Wantens