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Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority

At the end of a course of over 2,840 km, collecting water from a vast hydrological basin that exceeds 8% of the area of Europe, the Danube (the second largest river of the Continent) has during the last 16,000 years built at its mouth on the Black Sea one of the most beautiful deltas in Europe, perhaps in the whole world.

The natural landscape almost unspoilt, constituted of a mosaic of river branches, channels, lakes of different types and sizes, reedbeds, sand dunes, oak forests with Mediterranean vegetation, complemented with a rich cultural diversity gained a special interest for Danube Delta from all points of view: scientific, educational, touristic and even economic.

The Danube Delta is famous as one of the greatest wetlands on Earth.

Holding the European Diploma of protected areas (since 2000), the value of the natural heritage of the Danube Delta is internationally recognized: as part of the “Man and Biosphere” (MAB UNESCO) Programme (since 1990), as RAMSAR site– wetland especially important for waterfowl (since 1991), as UNESCO World Heritage site (since 1990), as Natura 2000 site (since 2007).

The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority was established in 1990 to implement the management measures required to ensure the conservation of the natural heritage and the sustainable development of the protected area.


