Artemis Yiordamli

Artemis is managing director of the Laona Foundation for the Conservation and Regeneration of the Cypriot Countryside based in Limassol. She has also been the Executive Director of Terra Cypria, the Cyprus Conservation Foundation and a member of the Eurosite Board. Artemis has coordinated various multi-disciplinary EU and UN funded projects ranging from the introduction of agrotourism to Cyprus, to implementing the Landscape Convention and introducing the environmental acquis to the Cypriot judiciary. Artemis’ background is in law and management and she holds a doctorate in Human Geography from Oxford University, focusing on the understanding and implementation of environmental law in the Mediterranean.

Before founding the two above NGOs, she had been Chief Executive of the Cyprus Hotel Association and consultant to the International Labour Office. As an NGO partner she represented Terra Cypria for 20 years at the Bern Convention for the Protection of Wildlife and Habitats (Council of Europe) and she continues to represent the Laona Foundation at the European Landscape Convention. Artemis played a key role in the recent radical revision of our Eurosite Statutes.