Eurosite Events
Each event covers at least one of the five core nature conservation pillars—biodiversity, climate, water, health, and finance—and delves into the latest practices, strategies, and innovations. Whether you want to enhance conservation expertise, engage in cross-sector dialogue, or tackle real-world challenges, Eurosite events provide opportunities to learn, connect, and lead.
Join us to share knowledge, build collaborations, and drive impactful change for a sustainable Europe. If you have any questions, please email us at
Eurosite and Latvian Fund for Nature present a webinar series on Wet Grasslands
Eurosite and Latvian Fund for Nature are pleased to present the first webinar of a three-part series on Wet Grasslands. Titled 'Best practices in management of Wet Grasslands - Stories...
Webinar: “Earthworms: Key players for farmland biodiversity”
LIFE Nardus & Limosa project partners invite you to join this webinar: 👉REGISTER HERE👈 17 December | 15:00 - 16:00 CET | Zoom Dr Jeroen Onrust of the Conservation Ecology...
Eurosite and ESA SEF jointly present webinar series on earth observation for nature conservation
Eurosite’s Remote Sensing Working Group is excited to present the third webinar of a three-part series on Earth observation (EO) and its role in nature conservation in partnership with the...
Visitor Management & Visitor Centre Study Tour
Meeting, inspiring and discussing with other experts in nature and recreationRegister here As it turns out, Dutch and Flemish visitor centres approach visitor management very differently. Join us on this...
Eurosite Annual Meeting 2024 – Durham, UK
👉 REGISTER HERE 👈 Join us from the 22 to 24 October to share in our collective experience and enjoy the cultural setting of Durham during our Eurosite Annual Meeting...
Webinar – Rewilding: what does it mean and how can research help to make it climate smart?
👉🏼REGISTER HERE👈🏼 Eurosite’s Management Planning Expert Group invites you to a webinar: Rewilding: what does it mean and how can research help to make it climate smart? When:...
Webinar: Technology for Citizen Science and Stakeholder Engagement
REGISTER HERE Involving citizens is an important source of support for nature conservation. Modern technologies create new opportunities for nature ambassadors to contribute by gathering information and data when they...
Webinar: ‘Foodscapes’ – nature and agriculture aligned in producing, and then marketing food: Case studies from Sweden & Argentina
REGISTER HERE The Eurosite-ELCN Agriculture, Biodiversity and Climate Working Group invites you to a webinar: 'Foodscapes' – nature and agriculture aligned in producing, and then marketing food: Case studies from...
2nd European Conservation Finance Boot Camp
We are happy to announce the 2nd European Conservation Finance Boot Camp from 13th until 17th May 2024 in Angofa, Romania. The event is hosted by Fundatia ADEPT and Eurosite as part of the project LIFE ENPLC ( The Conservation Finance Boot Camp...
Webinar Series: Introducing and using software for resilient site management
Natuurmonumenten is a private nature management organisation in the Netherlands managing over100.000 hectares of land. To improve and make management more efficient and transparent, Natuurmonumenten uses various software programmes, namely...
Webinar Series: Qualifying for financial support in protecting and managing biodiversity through certification – the Dutch way
In the Netherlands organisations or individuals who apply for government subsidies or financial support for the protection of biodiversity will first need to go through a certification process. This certificate...
Webinar: Climate Adaptation in Natura 2000 sites
We invite all Natura 2000 site managers to join this webinar on adaptation to climate change. During this webinar, we will discuss how Natura 2000 management strategies can be adapted...
Webinar with Access to Land
We invite all interested parties to join this Eurosite webinar with Access to Land. During the webinar, Eurosite's Agriculture, Biodiversity and Climate Working Group will be introduced followed by the...
Webinar: Nature Conservation on Vacation
Voluntourism attracts new and seasoned volunteers for hands-on tasks in nature conservation. During their holidays, they learn intensively about ecological issues. An exceptional range of services characterises providers of sustainable...
Unveiling the economic power of regenerative agriculture
A Eurosite ABC Webinar Sign up here Jan 16, 5:00 - 6:30 PM CET Dismissed as idealistic, regenerative agriculture often faces scepticism over its economic viability. Is this a practical...
National Peatland Strategies And Peatland Restoration Opportunities For Climate Action
➡️ ➡️ Register here The project “Building the European Peatlands Initiative: a strong alliance for peatland climate protection in Europe” is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI). EUKI is...
Eurosite Annual Meeting – Registration is open !
👉 REGISTER HERE 👈 (Registration closes 30 October!) Eurosite 2023 Annual Meeting Founded in France more than 30 years ago, Eurosite - the European Land Conservation Network - returns to...
LIFE ENPLC workshop in Fajão, Pampilhosa da Serra coming up
The LIFE ENPLC project is hosting the workshop in Fajão, Pampilhosa da Serra, an area known for its dark skies and biodiversity, in the middle of Portugal from 28 September 2023...
Grazing Study Tour: Experiences in Poland
Dear friends and colleagues, After the successful first edition of the Eurosite Grazing Study Tour in the Netherlands, we are pleased to invite you to the second edition of...
Power to the Peatlands: European peatlands conference
📝 Register here Join the European Peatland Conference in Antwerp, Belgium, on 19-21 September 2023 The conference celebrates the end of an era with a last gathering of the Interreg...
LIFE ATIAS workshop
REGISTRATION FOR THE LIFE ATIAS WORKSHOP IS OPEN LIFE ATIAS is the first coordinated effort to address the threat of invasive alien species (IAS) in Greece. The project aims to...
Field twinning – P-mining for grassland restoration LIFE Nardus & Limosa
Join the field trip! The LIFE Nardus & Limosa project aims for the restoration of meadow-heathland systems that are rich in Nardus grasslands. Nardus grasslands (named after the characteristic mat...
Webinar on: The importance of extensive grazing for biodiversity…
➡️ Register here Extensive grazing practices have created much of Europe’s landscapes and semi-natural habitats. At the same time semi natural grassland habitats belong to the most threatened habitats...
Traditional Land Management Driving Conservation Outcomes
We'd like to share with you the second part of the webinar series by the International Land Conservation Network Date and time 1am CET (Berlin) Thursday 22 June4.00pm PDT (California)...
Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Peatland Management
Peatlands play an essential role in achieving global and pan-European climate and sustainability objectives. While healthy peatlands can be the most space-efficient long-term carbon store and sink in our planet’s...
Workshop on Conservation Easements
Join us to take Conservation Easements a step further 🗓️ 06.06.2023 - Berlin, Germany Register to this ENPLC event and explore how conservation easements can be used as a tool...
Berlin, 10117
BioBlitz Ten Bunders 1000 Species Day
We will comb the beautiful nature reserve "Tienbunder"! 🗓️ May 27-28 in Zoutleeuw, Belgium The aim is to search for as many plant and animal species as possible in 24...
Workshop on voluntary labels for nature conservation on private land
Find the agenda of the workshop and registration options here. This event can also be attended online. 🗓️ Friday May 26, 2023 1:30pm-6:30pm in Brussels, Belgium A label for nature...
The use of fire as a land management tool
📝 REGISTER HERE LEARNING EXCHANGE This project aims to make available to those interested, an exchange of experiences and knowledge about the importance and possibility of using fire...
The Eurosite Grazing Study Tour 2023: visiting nature in The Netherlands
We are happy to announce the Eurosite Grazing Study Tour, hosted by The State Forestry, Natuurmonumenten, and Eurosite. The tour will take place in the Netherlands from 9-11 May 2023. ...
Indigenous Wisdom: The Dynamics of Successful Partnerships Between Conservation Organizations and Indigenous Groups
We'd like to share this upcoming webinar with you hosted by the International Land Conservation Network Date and time 1:00am CET (Berlin) Thursday 4 May 4.00pm PDT (California) Wednesday 3...
Wadden Sea Tourism Radar webinar
➡️ Register here for the webinar ⬅️ If you want to stay up to date please subscribe to our newsletter via; subjectline ‘subcribe to newsletter’.
Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and its consequences for people and nature
➡ REGISTER HERE ⬅ Last Friday, February 24, 2023 marked the anniversary of Russia’s failed attempt to conquer Ukraine. While the war is still ongoing and unlikely to end soon,...
Training course on creating wetlands near cities
Wetlands make an important contribution to the fight against climate change: from flood protection during heavy rainfall and water retention to carbon storage and green air conditioning for nearby cities....
Aalst, Netherlands
Webinar: The role of grazing in natural land management
Webinar on the role of grazing in natural land management On 23 February 2023 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM CET Please follow 👉this link to register for the webinar. ...
Webinar: Cross-boundary donations for private land conservation in the EU
As European public nature conservation programmes remain chronically underfunded, private philanthropic funding is a crucial contribution to battling the climate emergency and biodiversity loss. However, cross-border philanthropy in the EU...
Online twinning: Management of Nardus grasslands
Photograph Arnold van Kreveld 29 November 13:00-15:30 CET About 30 years ago, Eurosite was born out of twinning. To this day, we still organise knowledge exchanges to improve site management....
This website is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.