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Webinar Series: Introducing and using software for resilient site management

16. April 2024 @ 16:00 - 17:00

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Natuurmonumenten is a private nature management organisation in the Netherlands managing over100.000 hectares of land. To improve and make management more efficient and transparent, Natuurmonumenten uses various software programmes, namely CMSi and QGIS. This helps them comply to certification requirements, but also create resilience for the organisation by bringing all data of an area together in a well-organised way and by facilitating the knowledge exchange within and between organisations. This webinar will show how Natuurmonumenten uses CMSi and QGIS to support nature management. In addition, attention will be paid to the experiences gained in implementing a new method for management recording and the use of software over the past 5 years.

The Eurosite EMPEG Working Group and LIFE ENPLC invite Kristian van Oene as the speaker for this event.

Kristian is a Nature Management Specialist at Natuurmonumenten in the Netherlands. As a Nature Management Specialist, he supports all Site Managers of Natuurmonumenten in 24 regions spread across the country. The support of CMSi and QGIS for nature management is an important part of his work. With his experience as a Site Manager and IT knowledge, he played an important role in the development of CMSi. The implementation and further development of CMSi and QGIS within Natuurmonumenten is an important part of his work. Before he came to work at Natuurmonumenten, he worked for Landschap Overijssel (Provincial Nature Conservation Organization) for 12 years. Here he held various positions in the field of nature policy and nature management.

This webinar is hosted as part of the webinar series ‘Improving transparency, confidence and resilience in site management to support Protected Areas Management Effectiveness (PAME)‘.

The EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 outlines a commitment to effectively manage all protected areas (PAs) by the year 2030. A crucial aspect of achieving this goal involves the certification of landowners and managers responsible for protecting and managing biodiversity. This certification process not only enhances the transparency, confidence, and resilience of these organizations but also contributes to the overall effectiveness of Protected Areas Management. Utilising management software is instrumental in meeting certification requirements, and beyond that, it brings broader advantages to conservation organizations. The choice between emphasising resilience for site managers and transparency for donors and financing bodies/public institutions underscores the diverse priorities within the conservation landscape.


16. April 2024
16:00 - 17:00