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Eurosite News | 29.08. 2022

Facilitating private investment motivated by corporate social responsibility is becoming an increasingly important funding mechanism for upscaling natural climate solutions such as peatland restoration. In the UK, the Peatland Code aims to support this trend by assuring carbon buyers that climate benefits are real, quantifiable and long-term, by demonstrating restoration techniques across project areas, and by encouraging landowners and managers to adopt blanket bog conservation measures. To help navigate the Peatland Code, Eurosite member North Pennines AONB has now produced three leaflets in collaboration with the IUCN UK Peatland Programme that inform readers about different aspects of creating Peatland Code projects, their certification and the sale of carbon credits.

The links to the three leaflets (PDFs) are below:

From the leaflet “Unlocking private finance for peatland restoration”:

(In the UK), the Peatland Code provides a mechanism to support private finance for the restoration and long-term maintenance of damaged peatland sites. The Code provides a standard for quantifying and verifying climate benefits from reductions in greenhouse gas emissions brought about by the restoration works.

About The North Pennines AONB:

The North Pennines AONB team works with others to take action to conserve and enhance this special place. The North Pennines AONB is committed to recovering nature, to working with farmers, land managers, conservation organisations and communities to protect what remains and restore what has been lost. The North Pennines AONB helps people to make an emotional connection with nature, as well as to help people to understand more about the natural heritage. The leaflets were produced as part of the Pennine PeatLIFE project.