Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania
Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania (BEF LT) is aenvironmental NGO, which believes that nature should be protected not from people, but together with them.
As a non-governmental organization, BEF LT strivesfor a clean and healthy environment, natural resources being properly used, rich natural diversity guaranteed for the future generations, and employees feeling happy working.
Today, main areas of the activity of the NGO are biodiversity protection, agri-environment, rural development, nature tourism and sustainable development.
BEF LT says:
By protecting nature, we keep in constant touch with the public, striving for nature to be understandable, close and own for everyone. We believe that only by personal experience in nature a person can understand its benefits and necessity, find the answer to the question “why do we need to protect nature?” We continue to encourage such experiences in nature. We want to find the best ways for a person to live in harmony with nature in a way that does not obscure or destroy it. We seak not to fight, but to find constructive dialogue. We are an open organization providing a comprehensive activity report to the public every year, proactively communicating with the media, willingly accepting motivated trainees and volunteers. Every year, we evaluate not only our work, but also our environmental impact. When purchasing goods or services, we regularly evaluate not only the cost-efficiency criteria, but also the ecological criteria (i.e. we apply green procurement), we choose local production wherever possible.
Some of the topics that we are specializing on:
- Conservation of the rarest Europe‘s songbird – Aquatic Warbler and it‘s habitats – fenmires and flooded meadows.
- Agroenvironmental shemes and cooperation with farmers.
- Ecosystems services.